Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Monday, September 9, 2013

Weight Loss Tips




Heb 12:1


Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,



I once knew a person that was obsessed with weight.  He would weigh himself, and then if it was too much, he would  take off his shoes, take off his belt, empty his pockets, go to the became quite laughable in his quest to lighten his load.


This is a bit obsessive with regard to physical weight, but it may very well have its merits with regard to spiritual weight.  As we begin to run the race, it does not take long for even a light weight to become heavy.  If you are running, even a small cell phone in your pocket can cause discomfort.  In the Spirit, a small a offense, a small un-confessed sin; a slight amount of pride or rebellion, and the race can become quite difficult.  And in spiritual matters, we are running to win!


Lately, I have been asking the Lord to search my heart, show me the sin that lurks there, and to convict me of wrong attitudes and actions.  (Can I be real for a minute?  Why, thank you!) In this process, I can very easily become discouraged.  As I see what all is wrong with my thoughts, attitudes and action, I begin to feel as if there is nothing right with me.  Have you ever been there?  If not, start praying for the Lord to show you your heart. Then you will get it ! 


In my quest to draw close to him, I realize that I cannot focus on what is wrong, or even what is right, with me. Instead, I have to confess sin, cast it on the Lord and keep on moving.  To focus on it is to make it too large to handle.  There are a lot of things in life that are like that.  We must lighten our load of negative thoughts, fears and inadequacies.  We cannot focus  on the mountain, rather we must focus on the mountain-mover!


Dear Lord, show me the weights that I am carrying.  Guide me in the best way to remove the weights.  Help me to acknowledge you in all I do, never taking credit for it myself.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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