Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Love: The Difference-Maker




1 Cor 13:1-2


13 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.



Throughout the ages, people  have been enamored by the "showier" gifts of the Spirit.  It is quite amazing when a person you do not know  speaks directly to your heart about a situation that you have been praying about for years and offers assurance that God has taken  care of it.  It is astounding when a person operates in a strong faith  gift and you seen signs and wonders  performed before your very eyes.  These gifts are a testimony to the awesome, supernatural, miracle-working power of the Holy Spirit.  They do still (and should!) accompany the preaching of the Word of God. The Lord has ordained it to be so, in order to be a sign to the unbeliever of His existence and power.


People who are able to reveal the mysteries of the word of God  to us are such a gift!  They are able to explain the complicated passages with grace and ease,  leaving us saying, "Ah.... that's what that means!"  Others operate in a strong "Word of Knowledge" gift and are able to tell us things that they have no earthly way of knowing. These people "read our mail" and prove to us that God sees us and loves us.  Many times I have been encouraged by this gift as someone  would lean over in the altar and tell me just what I needed to hear- something the Lord had been saying to me for a while, but was confirmed through the gift of knowledge.


All of these gifts are good and proper and add a beautiful dimension to worship and to our Christian walk.  But today' verse says, even if you can do all of this, if God's love is not in you... you are nothing!  God is not impressed with our spiritual gifts- He is the One who hands out gifts!  What impresses Him is when we know Him enough, when we share His heart, and we walk around in this  world loving as He does!  That impresses God.  That kind of testimony wins others to Jesus.  A lifestyle of God-breathed love preaches constantly in every arena of life.  The miracles of Jesus made a huge impact on this world.  But the thing that forever changed the course of history was His love!  When we can demonstrate His love in our home, on the job, at the ball field and in the grocery store, we are fulfilling our highest call- to love God and love people!


Dear Lord, help  me!  Help me to walk in your love, think in your love, speak in your love and act in your love.  Help me to be a walking testimony.    In Jesus' Name.  Amen.



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