Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Help in the Camp


"The angel  of the Lord encamps around those who fear him,  and he delivers them."  Psalm 34:7

What a reassuring verse!  The enemy may be crowding your space.  He may have a regiment on  all four sides, blocking your view of the outside, but the angel of the Lord is  closer.  He is camped all  around you as a physical shield against all the enemy has plotted.

 This verse makes me think about when the children of Israel were being hotly pursued by the Egyptian army. They had their slave drivers on one side, and the Red Sea  on the other.  But God had a plan to deliver his children!  He turned  the obstacle into the vehicle of deliverance.  He can do the same for you today.

God does not only protect us from onslaught, he also delivers us from it.  Often  before a woman delivers a child, she becomes miserable while waiting.  But the miserable feeling is actually a sign that her deliverance is at hand!

No matter what you face, He is near. He is attentive and He will deliver you.   Take heart!

Dear Lord, thank you for providing for my protection, my defense and my deliverance.  Help me to trust and not fear.    In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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