Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Friday, June 21, 2013

The Plans of the Heart


"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.'" I John 4:1-6


The heart (with regard to desires, feelings, hurts and aspirations) can be a very cluttered place.  In  it we hold love for the Father and resentment toward our brother.  In our hearts, we make plans and dream of a future.  In another compartment of our heart, we withhold things from God that we are not willing to surrender.  A wise person is aware of  the state of their own heart at all times and is honest before God about what is in there.


Today's verse can be seen from a couple of different perspectives.  On the one hand it appears to me that a person may be planning a course in their heart, but the Lord determines which direction he/she will take.  Alternatively, it could be taken to mean that a person might come up with a plan, but God has to direct him/her to get there.  (There are probably even more rational applications of this verse, but for today we will stick with these two!)  Regardless  of which way you  read it,  there is much that can be gleaned from this verse.


I believe that a person who has the will of God firmly in sight, can make plans and step out in faith to see them come to pass.   When that happens, they will either find that they were right about God's direction, or they see him shutting  the doors He has not planned for them.  Either way, they can learn to determine God's direction as they tentatively make faith-steps.  I once heard a sermon by John Hagee, where he talked about a good hunting dog. He indicated that a good one will change their course with just one slight inclination of their master's head.  What  if we lived so in tune with  our Master that if we had the slightest inkling He was leading a different direction, we would turn and follow in the new direction without balking?  (Or barking!)


I am so glad the Lord determines our step. A few months back my husband and I were walking through a wooded area.  He is a giant 6'4" to my slight 5'6".  He was wearing boots  and jeans,  I was wearing capris  and flip flops.  I was  so glad he  went before me, finding holes, holding back briars, and stepping in places that I would not get tangled up.  As long as I stepped in the grass that had been  laid down by him, I would not step on a snake  or  twist my ankle in a rut.  Almighty God goes before  us.   His  footprint is even  larger than my husband's size 12 man's shoe!  If we will just submissively follow behind, we will avoid so many pitfalls and hazards.


Go ahead, dream a little. Make a plan.  But as you step out, search for  the footprints of the Father, which will never lead  you wrong.


 Dear Lord, you know the path you have chosen for me.  I need you to make it evident  to me  and grant me the grace to walk in it.  Lord  help me to perceive your direction and align my dreams and plans  with yours.   In Jesus' Name.  Amen.





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