We do not like accountability, do we? We seem to have the attitude that if no one sees me steal a cookie out of the cookie jar, it is not stealing. If the "ump" does not see that we failed to tag the bag, then we are not out.
If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? Yes, of course it does! It is what it is and it does what it does, whether anyone else is watching or not.
But, most definitely, we know that Someone is always watching! The Lord is an observer to every action we take. He is a listener to every comment we make. Even the secrets that we think in the deepest recesses of our mind are overheard by our constant Companion.
Sometimes, we take the easy way out. We think if we do no wrong, we are OK. But if we know to do something GOOD, and do not do it, we still sin! If I know I am supposed to buy my friend's lunch, but don't do it...I sin. If I know that I am supposed to get in my Word and pray, and do not carry it out, I sin.
We talk about two kinds of sin in the Bible. 1) Sins of commission- this is where we intentionally or unintentionally do something that defies God's law. 2) Sins of omission- this is the "should's" that we neglect. Stuff we know we are supposed to do, or maybe even we are ignorant that we should be doing it, but we fall short of the mark set for us by God. Either one is a sin. We are just more comfortable with seeing the first kind. The second kind take accountability much further than we want to go.
So how do I find out I am sinning if I don't know it? Good question! We should constantly study our Word, search our hearts, and line up when our conscience or the Bible convicts us. If we are not aware of our sin, God's grace covers us. But why not ask the Lord to forgive you of even the sins you are not aware of?
Most importantly, take stock. Oftentimes we know exactly what we are doing or failing to do. We are not fooling anyone. Least of all God!
Dear God, forgive me of the times I sin against You with full knowledge, as well as for the times that I failed to do good or to even know Your will. Help me live up to the truth You have shown me. Help me walk in accountability. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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