Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

You Have Got Two Choices



"This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have  set before you life and death, blessings and curses.  Now choose life, so that you and your children may live."  Deut.  30:19

I started off today with a bright idea and good intentions.  I had some work to do in Panama City, but it would not take long.  So I decided to make it a fun day with my two younger boys.  Before I ever left home, it became glaringly obvious that my little one was as ill as a sore-tailed cat (whatever that means!).  I seriously considered canceling, when I heard his cough.  But I just wanted to go.  So being a good mom, the negotiations (and Tylenol) began.  If you will straighten up and be sweet we will go by "Toys R Us" and get you a prize.  Then it was on. Bad behavior, dangle the toy; repentance;  promises of future goodness...bad behavior; dangle the toy.. you get the picture right?

As the day was winding down it became apparent that he was too cranky to maintain good behavior and a positive attitude.   Finally, his last mercy chance had expired. He wailed, he moaned, he pleaded and begged. My mother's heart was torn into pieces.  I began to pity him: He doesn't feel well after all.  That was probably the best he could do...  But I stopped myself; explained to him that he had two choices: 1) Be good/get a prize.  2) Be bad/forfeit a prize.  I reminded him that he went with option #2 despite constant encouragement from me to be good.  Thus, he had chosen not to go to "Toys R Us" and get a prize.  He did not seem to grasp that he had held his potential in his own hand.

Then of  course, the Lord began to speak to my own heart about this verse.  He has given us two choices:  1) death; 2) life.  And even some instruction:  "Choose life."  It  really is that simple.  I may want the goodies of God, the prizes and blessings, but if I am walking in sin... I choose death and to forfeit all the good He has stored up for me.  He loves me; He wants to bless me.  But my behavior ties the hands of God.  Just as I was today; but infinitely greater, God is bound by his Word.

If you  are not happy with your life circumstances.  Ask  yourself, "Am I choosing life?"

Dear Lord, help me to choose life and obedience rather than rebellion and death.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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