Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Who Do You Think You Are?


"There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy.  But you- who are you to judge your neighbor?"  James 4:12 this a trick question?  If so, I am failing.  This is one of those questions that leaves me at a loss for words.  A condition I am seldom in!  I think we all have a tendency to judge people, situations, behaviors, words and actions.  Sometimes we even presume to judge a person's heart or motives. According to today's verse, that is probably not a wise move on our part.


God knows all, sees all, and understands all.  When He  judges a person's behavior, He is always dead on the money.  His judgments are always spot on.  He knows their history, their heart, and their present intentions.  We just know what we presume to be true, or perhaps what they have told us.  Thus, our judgments are tenuous at best. 


God gave the law, so He alone is supremely qualified to determine when a person is breaking His law.  He is altogether just in His penalty or punishment.  To save?  To destroy?  These are His calls.  And rightly so.


But who am I to judge?  Who are you to judge?  I am a fellow law-breaker.  Someone who constantly fails and falls short of God's righteous standard.  Sometimes due to ignorance, weakness or dysfunction.  But can we peel it back another layer?  Sometimes it is out of my own sin, mean-spiritedness and pride.  Where do I get off sitting in judgment of another?  It is a funny thing.  We tend to justify the reasons behind our failures, but we mercilessly persecute others for theirs.  God help us!  We must learn to walk in humility and fear before an altogether holy God.



Dear Lord, forgive me for times that I have misjudged others.  Forgive me even for the times that I judged correctly, but judged where I had no right.  Help me to concentrate on pleasing you and leave the others in Your capable hands.   In Jesus' Name.  Amen.






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