Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Moment of Truth



"Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom."  James 2:12

In my job, I go through a third-party audit each year.  Best case scenario?  Nothing.  No raise, no bonus, no promotion.  Worst case scenario?   Paying back a year's worth (or more) of  my pay; additional investigation, and possible arrest.  I am sure you can understand why I live all year long in dread of  their coming.  All 365 days per year I live with them on my mind.  At one point the  incentive was offered- score  an "A", skip next year's review.  I was so delighted the one year I actually got to skip (since the other time I earned the right, they changed their mind).  But can I be honest?  That year  I was not quite as stringent.  Oh sure, I did all that was  required of me to get paid with a clear conscience, but the "second mile" stuff did not seem as important.

Today's verse is on the same principle.  Live  as if you were going to be judged on  every word or action.  Do not cut corners.  Do not compromise in the slightest.  The stakes are simply too high! Jesus came and perfectly fulfilled the Old Law.  He brought us into an era of grace- and praise God for that!  But we cannot afford to presume upon grace.  We simply must live in light of Jesus' watchful eye and holy expectation.

It really is the only way to combat our human tendency.  Have you ever tried Weight Watchers?  If so, when do most people cheat? That's right!  Immediately after weigh-in.   Why?  Because they have passed judgment and have a whole week to make up for it. None of us knows the number  of our days on this Earth. Instead, we must live every moment aware that Jesus is able to rightly judge our every thought, word or deed.  Any moment could be our "moment of truth."

Dear Lord, forgive me for the areas that I have let slide and have allowed sloppiness in my walk with you.  Help me to walk  in a manner that you would deem  right and honorable.     In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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