Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Friday, June 28, 2013

Being Held Accountable


"Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it,  sins." James 4:17


We do not like accountability,  do we?   We seem to have the attitude that if no one sees me steal a cookie out of  the cookie jar, it is not stealing.  If the "ump" does not see  that we failed to tag the bag, then we are not out. 


If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?  Yes, of course it does!  It is what it is and it does what it does, whether anyone else is watching or not.


But, most definitely, we know that Someone is always watching!  The Lord is an observer to every action we take.  He is a listener to every comment we make.  Even the secrets that we think in the deepest recesses of our mind are overheard by our constant Companion.


Sometimes, we take the easy way out.   We think if we do no wrong, we are OK.  But if we know to do something GOOD, and do not do it, we still sin!  If I know  I am supposed to buy my friend's lunch, but don't do  it...I sin.  If I know that I am supposed to get in my Word and pray, and do not carry it out, I sin. 


We talk about two kinds of sin in the Bible.  1) Sins of commission- this is where we intentionally or unintentionally do something that defies God's law. 2) Sins of omission-  this is the "should's" that we neglect.  Stuff we know we are supposed to do, or maybe even we are ignorant that we should be doing it, but we fall short of the mark set for us by God.  Either one is a sin.  We are just more comfortable with seeing the first kind. The second kind take accountability much further than we want to go.


So how do I find out I am sinning if I don't know it?  Good question!  We should constantly study our Word, search our hearts, and line up when our conscience or the Bible convicts us.  If we are not aware of our sin, God's grace covers us.  But why not ask the Lord to forgive you of even the sins you are not aware of?


Most importantly, take stock.  Oftentimes we know exactly what we are doing or failing to do.  We are not fooling anyone.  Least of all God!


  Dear God, forgive me of  the times I sin against You with full knowledge, as well as for the times that I failed to do good or to even know Your will.  Help me live up to the truth You have shown me.  Help me walk in accountability.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.





Thursday, June 27, 2013

Brought to my Knees




"Because of the extravagance of those revelations, and so I wouldn't get a big head, I was given the gift of a handicap to keep me in constant touch with my limitations. Satan's angel did his best to get me down; what he in fact did was push me to my knees. No danger then of walking around high and mighty! 8 At first I didn't think of it as a gift, and begged God to remove it. Three times I did that, 9 and then he told me,

My grace is enough; it's all you need.

My strength comes into its own in your weakness.

Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift. It was a case of Christ's strength moving in on my weakness. 10 Now I take limitations in stride, and with good cheer, these limitations that cut me down to size — abuse, accidents, opposition, bad breaks. I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become."  2 Cor 12:7-10

(from THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language © 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson. All rights reserved.)


Other than the Lord Jesus Christ, there was not a more powerful or influential  figure than the Apostle Paul.  He went from being Saul, the persecutor/murderer of Christians, to being the Super Apostle  who wrote 2/3rds of the New Testament.  He was one of the great (if not the greatest) missionaries of the early church.  He shared the gospel first with the Jew, and then with the Gentiles.  He traveled widely in his day, making disciples, starting, and equipping churches. 

Because of the powerful call on his life, the Lord anointed him and gifted him beyond  most.  He was honored to have been taken up into the 3rd  heaven.  We do not know if he died, and was brought back- or if he had a near-death encounter.  Or if he possibly had a vision.  Regardless of the means, he saw inexplicable and inexpressible glory.  No doubt this vision was needed to carry him through the strong persecution that would come to him during his ministry. He claims that it was given to him to keep him from being conceited.

There is much speculation about what this "messenger of Satan" is.  I have heard scholars postulate that it was blindness, malaria, or a sickness that brought him near death.  Others thought  possibly a horrific beating.   None of us truly know, but one thing we do know, is that he saw it as something to torment him.  But also something God  could work in spite of the "thorn."

I love the way the message Bible brings it with an "in your face" interpretation, "Satan's angel did his best to get me down; what he in fact did was push me to my knees."  When trials, struggles and torments come our way, we need to adopt Paul's attitude and recall that when we go to our knees in prayer we are receiving the strength and grace we need to make it  through.  Our weakness is no match for Christ's might.  He can overcome and overwhelm every shortcoming and make it a strength.

Dear Lord, help me in my areas of weakness.   I invite you in.  Demonstrate your majesty in-and through- me.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.



Wednesday, June 26, 2013

How Great is That?!



"Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom." Psalm 145:3

Sometimes life is just too complicated to figure out.  Sometimes, to be quite frank, I do not even know how to pray or what verses to study.  Should I study on my area of struggle- anxiety, provision, peace?  Or should I study on faith so I will know how to get my prayer answered?  Should I take up intercession or rebuke the devil?

One thing I do know- no matter what is going on, it is always fitting to praise the Lord.  It is always appropriate and helpful to concentrate on how vast and awesome He is.  It always put things into perspective to recall what Jesus did on Calvary.  It is always uplifting to recall God's mighty deeds in your life or in the lives of those you have witnessed.

If we focus on the problem, despair develops.  But if, instead, we focus on the mountain-mover, we find our hope being restored to a place that we can believe for victory.

Go ahead!  Try it!  Begin to praise Him.  He is bigger and greater than you will ever fathom or express!

O, Lord, you are great, mighty and awesome!  You are altogether righteous, true and holy.  You amaze and astound me.  I honor You and glorify Your name. I magnify You above all that I can see with my human eyes.

In Jesus' Name.  Amen.



Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Can't Touch That


"Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord.  Touch no unclean thing and I will receive you.'" II Cor. 6:17


It is so hard to get it right as a Christian.  On the one hand, we do not need to be "Lysol Christians" who are too sanitized to interact with the unsaved.  On the other hand, we cannot get so close to the world that we become like them and take up their ways.  There is a balance between the two extremes, and it is important that we work to keep that balance in view at all times.


There is a great Mexican restaurant around here, that everyone loves to eat at.  But, because of the ventilation system, you can "smell" where people have had lunch!  The scent permeates every layer of clothing.  It can even settle into your hair.  That is the way sin is as well.  If we are around it too long, the stench begins to settle in our spirit.  When I think of this problem, I always think about Lot who "pitched his tent toward Sodom."  When the time of destruction came, he was too close in to let go of the world.  The Angel of the Lord had to drag him out to save him.  The way of sin has a way of latching onto us and holding us longer than we want to stay.


We cannot expect to be people of influence if we hang out in the same places as sinners all the time.  We have to be Jesus in this world.


  Dear God, teach me the balance between making redemptive friendships and compromising with the world. Direct me and help me to always be set apart for you.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.





Monday, June 24, 2013


"And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is Spirit.'" II Corinthians 3:18


So, on a scale of 1-10 how do your rate your glory level?  I would give myself a generous "two".  I fall so short of reflecting God's glory.  But this verse excites me nonetheless.  It promises me that I am being changed, or transformed, into his likeness.  I have not arrived, but my glory is certainly more "glorious" now than it was 10 years ago.  And I have confidence that 10 years from now my level of glory will have shown more progress still.  Why?  Because I am so great?   Not at all!  It is all about His power to transform.  All we have to do is present ourselves willingly to the Master's hands.


This passage makes me think of one of my heroes, Moses.  I love the way that he talked with the Lord face-to-face as a man does with a friend. As he spent time in the presence of God, his face would actually illuminate to the point that he would have to put a veil on so that his friends and family could stand to look at him!  Can you imagine?  Being so glorious that your face literally glows?!  And according to this verse,  we can reflect it with our face unveiled!


I also love the fact that we can be made like Him with ever increasing glory.  There is no cap to how much of God's presence, power, anointing, peace and glory you can enjoy.  Whatever level of glory you are at now, you can move on to the next level of glory.  The only limit that exists is on our side.  We can stop the process, but He will remain glorious!


  Dear God, I desire more. More of all that you have for me.  More of your likeness; more of  your glory.  More of  YOU.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.





Friday, June 21, 2013

The Plans of the Heart


"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.'" I John 4:1-6


The heart (with regard to desires, feelings, hurts and aspirations) can be a very cluttered place.  In  it we hold love for the Father and resentment toward our brother.  In our hearts, we make plans and dream of a future.  In another compartment of our heart, we withhold things from God that we are not willing to surrender.  A wise person is aware of  the state of their own heart at all times and is honest before God about what is in there.


Today's verse can be seen from a couple of different perspectives.  On the one hand it appears to me that a person may be planning a course in their heart, but the Lord determines which direction he/she will take.  Alternatively, it could be taken to mean that a person might come up with a plan, but God has to direct him/her to get there.  (There are probably even more rational applications of this verse, but for today we will stick with these two!)  Regardless  of which way you  read it,  there is much that can be gleaned from this verse.


I believe that a person who has the will of God firmly in sight, can make plans and step out in faith to see them come to pass.   When that happens, they will either find that they were right about God's direction, or they see him shutting  the doors He has not planned for them.  Either way, they can learn to determine God's direction as they tentatively make faith-steps.  I once heard a sermon by John Hagee, where he talked about a good hunting dog. He indicated that a good one will change their course with just one slight inclination of their master's head.  What  if we lived so in tune with  our Master that if we had the slightest inkling He was leading a different direction, we would turn and follow in the new direction without balking?  (Or barking!)


I am so glad the Lord determines our step. A few months back my husband and I were walking through a wooded area.  He is a giant 6'4" to my slight 5'6".  He was wearing boots  and jeans,  I was wearing capris  and flip flops.  I was  so glad he  went before me, finding holes, holding back briars, and stepping in places that I would not get tangled up.  As long as I stepped in the grass that had been  laid down by him, I would not step on a snake  or  twist my ankle in a rut.  Almighty God goes before  us.   His  footprint is even  larger than my husband's size 12 man's shoe!  If we will just submissively follow behind, we will avoid so many pitfalls and hazards.


Go ahead, dream a little. Make a plan.  But as you step out, search for  the footprints of the Father, which will never lead  you wrong.


 Dear Lord, you know the path you have chosen for me.  I need you to make it evident  to me  and grant me the grace to walk in it.  Lord  help me to perceive your direction and align my dreams and plans  with yours.   In Jesus' Name.  Amen.





Thursday, June 20, 2013

Give me Grace

"But he gives us more grace.  That is why Scripture says:  'God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.'" I John 4:1-6


Have you ever had something really delicious to eat?  So much so, that you thought that you would just die if you could not have more?  When something is good, it stands to reason that more is better.  (Hence my puzzlement that they consider tiny candy bars to be "fun size", but that is a discussion for another day.)


I feel the same way, only more fervently, about the grace of God. That is what makes this verse very encouraging.  He gives MORE grace.  More help, more supernatural can-do, more strength, and more ease.  When He gives us grace, He continues to add to it until we have all we need to make it through whatever battle we face.  When our resolve and strength is completely depleted, God grants us more grace.


I am currently in a situation that feels like I am walking through quick sand.  I have matters to attend to that have become a burden or drudgery to me.  In my despair I find my heart crying out to God, "Give me more grace or move me."  I am just there with the situation I am in.  I am not capable of getting a new attitude, a different perspective or a fresh infusion of zeal to meet the demands.  I am utterly bankrupt within myself to muster up the courage that I need.  Thank God that I never live within my own means, but rather, I live within the means of God!


There are times that we must see our own lack in order to do as this verse dictates. We must humble ourselves to receive that grace.  As long as we think we can handle it, we do not lean upon God's grace.


 Oh, Lord, you see me.  You know me intimately.  You understand my weakness and my state of my mind.  You know the areas I need grace in, and Lord I beseech you earnestly to multiply grace into my life.    In Jesus' Name.  Amen.





Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Looking on the "Up" Side of Things


"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us."  Rom 8:18


Some days it seems that things go more wrong than right.  Do you know what I mean?  It seems like pain, stress, and crisis awaits us at every turn.  Flat tires, unexpected medical bills and relationship problems seem to zap all of the joy out of life.  At times like that, it is easy to get tunnel vision about life.  But as Christians, we must look at things from an eternal perspective.


No matter how minute, or disastrous, your problems are, in light of eternity, they are small.  This life is very much like the pains of childbirth.  Just one glimpse of eternity in heaven with Jesus (like the first sight of a precious newborn) is enough to make us forget all that we went through to get there.  The joy, the peace, the rapturous delight before the throne will make all of this seem slight and unimportant.


So how does that help us now?  To me, it indicates that we can never get too wrapped up in this life,  that we cannot see it in the scope of eternity.  Knowing that in Christ we have the victory, helps erase some of the fear of failure.   Knowing He has prepared mansions for us in heaven, helps us remember how much He loves us.  Remembering that one day we will have no more sickness, poverty or death, inspires hope. 


We cannot afford to look at life in any other way.  We are just pilgrims passing through this life.  We are all aliens, with our homeland elsewhere.  When you stay in a hotel, do you worry constantly about the cost of repairs?   Of course not!  Because it is not yours.  Your house is elsewhere.  Let us endeavor to see this world in the same way.


Dear Lord, help me to approach life with an eternal perspective.  Thank you that you have prepared an amazing future for me.   Open my eyes to see things the way that you do.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.






Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Who Do You Think You Are?


"There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy.  But you- who are you to judge your neighbor?"  James 4:12 this a trick question?  If so, I am failing.  This is one of those questions that leaves me at a loss for words.  A condition I am seldom in!  I think we all have a tendency to judge people, situations, behaviors, words and actions.  Sometimes we even presume to judge a person's heart or motives. According to today's verse, that is probably not a wise move on our part.


God knows all, sees all, and understands all.  When He  judges a person's behavior, He is always dead on the money.  His judgments are always spot on.  He knows their history, their heart, and their present intentions.  We just know what we presume to be true, or perhaps what they have told us.  Thus, our judgments are tenuous at best. 


God gave the law, so He alone is supremely qualified to determine when a person is breaking His law.  He is altogether just in His penalty or punishment.  To save?  To destroy?  These are His calls.  And rightly so.


But who am I to judge?  Who are you to judge?  I am a fellow law-breaker.  Someone who constantly fails and falls short of God's righteous standard.  Sometimes due to ignorance, weakness or dysfunction.  But can we peel it back another layer?  Sometimes it is out of my own sin, mean-spiritedness and pride.  Where do I get off sitting in judgment of another?  It is a funny thing.  We tend to justify the reasons behind our failures, but we mercilessly persecute others for theirs.  God help us!  We must learn to walk in humility and fear before an altogether holy God.



Dear Lord, forgive me for times that I have misjudged others.  Forgive me even for the times that I judged correctly, but judged where I had no right.  Help me to concentrate on pleasing you and leave the others in Your capable hands.   In Jesus' Name.  Amen.






Monday, June 17, 2013

No Excuses



"When tempted, no one should say, God is tempting me.  For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone, but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed."   James 1:13-14

"His own evil desire." That is what causes temptation.  Not injustice, not seduction, not the devil making me do it.  It's all me.  When I am tempted it is because of an evil desire that I have. That is what opens wide the door for the enemy to come in and drag me away and entice me.  (I hope as you read this that you are applying the "me's" to yourself as well!)

That is one of those hard-to-swallow truths.  We like to blame others.  That has been going on since the first sin in the Garden of Eden.  It is very difficult to take full responsibility for our own wrong doing.  Has the Lord ever required the hard confession from you?  You know the one.  It is where you have to say, "I am  sorry I did ____, I was wrong."  The end.  No justification.  No explanation.  No reminding the other person that they played a part.  That smarts!  God has required that of me a number of times.  It is very humbling and it takes a work of God's grace to carry it out.

What tempts you?  What appeals to you?  What area of your life do you most struggle with? Temper?  Lust?   Worldly possessions or pursuits?  Being judgmental?   Whatever your "hot button" is,  begin to ask the Lord to show you what wrong desire is at the root of your temptation.  Then begin to ask for revelation of the problem and the strength to pull it out at the root.

Dear Lord, I struggle with _____.  Please forgive me for the wrong desire of ___. Help me to be wiser and stronger through the Holy Spirit.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


Friday, June 14, 2013

Purpose Fulfilled



"The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever- do not abandon the works of your hands."  Psalm 138:8

There are so many dreams, aspirations and petitions that I have before the Lord.  Things that I have believed Him for, some for years.   On good days, my  faith is high that He will perform all that I have asked for.  On bad days I have feared that the Lord is asleep in my boat.  Do you know what I mean?  There are just times that it seems He has forgotten, or He does not notice where I am.  But the truth of the matter is, He is always aware, always concerned, and always invested in fulfilling His purpose for me.

I love the way this verse is stated as a personal affirmation.  Say it aloud to yourself.  Don't you feel your faith rise by the reminder?  He will fulfill his purpose for me!  Because of His enduring love, He will not abandon the work of His hands.  Paul summed it up so beautifully when he said, "... being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." ( Phil. 1:6)

Regardless of where you are, you are constantly in a state of looking ahead to some hoped-for outcome or answer. The Lord uses these desires to teach us how to look to Him and to grow in our faith.  Hold on to your faith!  It will be richly rewarded.

Dear Lord, help me to trust Your  purpose for me, as well as your ability to see it through.  Forgive me for my doubts and fears.   In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Help in the Camp


"The angel  of the Lord encamps around those who fear him,  and he delivers them."  Psalm 34:7

What a reassuring verse!  The enemy may be crowding your space.  He may have a regiment on  all four sides, blocking your view of the outside, but the angel of the Lord is  closer.  He is camped all  around you as a physical shield against all the enemy has plotted.

 This verse makes me think about when the children of Israel were being hotly pursued by the Egyptian army. They had their slave drivers on one side, and the Red Sea  on the other.  But God had a plan to deliver his children!  He turned  the obstacle into the vehicle of deliverance.  He can do the same for you today.

God does not only protect us from onslaught, he also delivers us from it.  Often  before a woman delivers a child, she becomes miserable while waiting.  But the miserable feeling is actually a sign that her deliverance is at hand!

No matter what you face, He is near. He is attentive and He will deliver you.   Take heart!

Dear Lord, thank you for providing for my protection, my defense and my deliverance.  Help me to trust and not fear.    In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Moment of Truth



"Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom."  James 2:12

In my job, I go through a third-party audit each year.  Best case scenario?  Nothing.  No raise, no bonus, no promotion.  Worst case scenario?   Paying back a year's worth (or more) of  my pay; additional investigation, and possible arrest.  I am sure you can understand why I live all year long in dread of  their coming.  All 365 days per year I live with them on my mind.  At one point the  incentive was offered- score  an "A", skip next year's review.  I was so delighted the one year I actually got to skip (since the other time I earned the right, they changed their mind).  But can I be honest?  That year  I was not quite as stringent.  Oh sure, I did all that was  required of me to get paid with a clear conscience, but the "second mile" stuff did not seem as important.

Today's verse is on the same principle.  Live  as if you were going to be judged on  every word or action.  Do not cut corners.  Do not compromise in the slightest.  The stakes are simply too high! Jesus came and perfectly fulfilled the Old Law.  He brought us into an era of grace- and praise God for that!  But we cannot afford to presume upon grace.  We simply must live in light of Jesus' watchful eye and holy expectation.

It really is the only way to combat our human tendency.  Have you ever tried Weight Watchers?  If so, when do most people cheat? That's right!  Immediately after weigh-in.   Why?  Because they have passed judgment and have a whole week to make up for it. None of us knows the number  of our days on this Earth. Instead, we must live every moment aware that Jesus is able to rightly judge our every thought, word or deed.  Any moment could be our "moment of truth."

Dear Lord, forgive me for the areas that I have let slide and have allowed sloppiness in my walk with you.  Help me to walk  in a manner that you would deem  right and honorable.     In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

You Have Got Two Choices



"This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have  set before you life and death, blessings and curses.  Now choose life, so that you and your children may live."  Deut.  30:19

I started off today with a bright idea and good intentions.  I had some work to do in Panama City, but it would not take long.  So I decided to make it a fun day with my two younger boys.  Before I ever left home, it became glaringly obvious that my little one was as ill as a sore-tailed cat (whatever that means!).  I seriously considered canceling, when I heard his cough.  But I just wanted to go.  So being a good mom, the negotiations (and Tylenol) began.  If you will straighten up and be sweet we will go by "Toys R Us" and get you a prize.  Then it was on. Bad behavior, dangle the toy; repentance;  promises of future goodness...bad behavior; dangle the toy.. you get the picture right?

As the day was winding down it became apparent that he was too cranky to maintain good behavior and a positive attitude.   Finally, his last mercy chance had expired. He wailed, he moaned, he pleaded and begged. My mother's heart was torn into pieces.  I began to pity him: He doesn't feel well after all.  That was probably the best he could do...  But I stopped myself; explained to him that he had two choices: 1) Be good/get a prize.  2) Be bad/forfeit a prize.  I reminded him that he went with option #2 despite constant encouragement from me to be good.  Thus, he had chosen not to go to "Toys R Us" and get a prize.  He did not seem to grasp that he had held his potential in his own hand.

Then of  course, the Lord began to speak to my own heart about this verse.  He has given us two choices:  1) death; 2) life.  And even some instruction:  "Choose life."  It  really is that simple.  I may want the goodies of God, the prizes and blessings, but if I am walking in sin... I choose death and to forfeit all the good He has stored up for me.  He loves me; He wants to bless me.  But my behavior ties the hands of God.  Just as I was today; but infinitely greater, God is bound by his Word.

If you  are not happy with your life circumstances.  Ask  yourself, "Am I choosing life?"

Dear Lord, help me to choose life and obedience rather than rebellion and death.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


Monday, June 10, 2013

The Open Door

"But I will stay on at Ephesus until Pentecost, because a great door for  effective work has opened to me, and there are many who oppose me."  I Cor. 16:8-9


Have you ever tried to make an opportunity happen for yourself?  Did it flop?   Yeah, me too. Over the years I have stumbled upon opportunity, prayed for opportunity and despaired of it ever happening for me.  One life lesson I have uncovered is this-  it is all in God's hands.   He has  a perfect time or season for all the opportunities in life that he has planned for us.

The timing of God  can either be a source of great trust or frustration for us.   As humans, we like feeling like we are the master of our own destiny; but those of us who have chosen to follow Christ have literally forfeited our right to chart our  own course.  We gave our lives away.  Now, instead, we  wait for God's  direction and timing.

Recently  I have had some opportunities open up for some lifelong dreams to come to pass.   It is  uncanny how God orchestrates events and people to line up opportunities for us.  After years of waiting, trying, hoping and crying, God just slides wide a door that appears from nowhere.  He is such a  great God!  Watching from down here, it almost looks  like happenstance.  This person just happens to cross our  path at just the right time to be pivotal to our destiny.  But I know better.  Nothing just happens to a child of God. He is in control!

If you are believing for a "great door" to open to you, take heart!  Throw it in neutral and begin to trust God's timing.  Our attempts to bang it open with our own heads, result in many headaches and much frustration!  He knows  what He is doing.  All  wisdom, direction and resources are at his disposal.

Dear Lord, help me to trust you timing.  I choose to recall all the successes of the past that you brought my way and I choose to trust you for my future as  well.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


Friday, June 7, 2013

Trouble or Trust


"Do not let your hearts be troubled.  Trust in God, trust also in me."   John 14:1


Life has a way of bringing trouble.  Trouble in all shapes and sizes- debt; health crises; problems with our kids; or problems on the job.  We have to find a way to walk through the trouble without letting it get in our heart.

What is the antidote for a troubled heart?  According to today's verse trusting in God/Jesus.  Trusting God for protection, provision or direction takes us out of the drivers' seat and allows God to call the shots.

Dear Lord, help me to trust you in all things- especially through trouble.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.
