As for me, I will call upon God,
the Lord shall save me.
17 Evening and morning and at
will pray, and cry aloud,
And He shall hear my voice. Ps
55:16-17 (NKJV)
Sometimes I come up with ideas to fix my situation. Some days I want to be carnal; abandon waiting on God and make it happen for myself. At times, I look around and it seems to be working out for others to have it their way. But like the psalmist in this passage, I always come back to, "As for me, I will call upon God." To be honest, I do not remember how to do it any other way! I pray without even thinking sometimes. (Not that that is necessarily a good thing. But I have literally caught myself praying for an FSU ballgame play that is prerecorded!)
I may have a long way to go in my Christian walk, but one thing I know to be true- I cannot make it without Him. I am not smart enough to figure out the best path. I need the Lord and his resources. I need His wisdom and direction. I need His intervention.
I love the way that this reads as a desperate plea, but at the same time, it is a very faith-filled appeal. The psalmist is calling, praying and crying. Meanwhile God is saving and hearing. Each one of us has our part. When we try to play God's part, it never turns out well. But when we learn to cry out for His help, expecting to be heard and saved, we loose the supernatural to work in our situation.
When we are over our head, it doesn't really matter if we are over our head by 1 foot or 100, if we are having to trust in Him to save us, we might as well believe for the big things! Pray around the clock. Ask Him to meet your need. Call out for deliverance from all that oppresses you. And once you do, believe that He is hearing and that He has already activated the processes to loose your chains!
Dear Lord, I am over my head. I need you to step in and help me. I cannot handle this on my own. I need you and I believe that you heard me, answer and save me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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