Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Never Anonymous



43 But now, thus says the Lord , who created you, O Jacob,

And He who formed you, O Israel:

"Fear not, for I have redeemed you;

I have called you by your name;

  You are Mine."  Isa 43:1 (NKJV)



You know that awkward moment.  You run into someone whose face you faintly recognize, but you cannot place a name with a face.  When, horror of horrors (!), they call you by name.  Then comes the ethical conundrum.  Do you do the honest (but rude) thing and acknowledge that although they cared enough to remember your name, you did not?  Or... do you play along, instead, and tell them how great it is to see them.  Maybe referring to them generically-  "Good to see you, girl!"  "Take care, man!"


I have heard the experts' discussion of this problem.  Is it because we did not really care about meeting that person, so we fail to put them on the "hard drive" of our brain?  Is it because we are not really attending to what is being said, but rather, we are running a separate dialogue in our own minds thinking of what we intend to say next?  Maybe we are suffering from ADHD.  Regardless, our lack of remembering someone makes them feel small and insignificant to us.


When we had two kids, it was easy.  I called them "Justin" and "Brandon".  Their actual names.  But with the addition of the third child, Andrew,  came these hybrid names- "JustBrandon" and "Brandrew".  It seems I can never call the right name.   Sometimes the boys take it in stride, other times they find it offensive.  (My own parents don't even know my name?!) I am so thankful that God knows my name!  Especially since he has A LOT of kids!


Brother, Sister, God knows your name!  He  made you.  He formed you for a purpose.  He loves you.  He is invested in you.  You are His.  Doesn't that make you feel loved and cherished?  You are of great significance to him.


Why should we fear what men can say or do to us, when our Creator says, "Sherri, don't be afraid."  "Tim, don't worry.  I am with you."  He is mindful of us and all that pertains to us.  He will not forget or fall asleep at the wheel.  God is in control of your life.  You are His  dear child,  and He will not forget your name.

Dear Lord, thank you that you care so much about every detail of my life... Thank you that I matter to you, and that you care about my every concern.  I love you, Lord.   In Jesus' Name. Amen.




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