"Hope deferred
makes the heart sick, But when
the desire comes, it
is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12 (NKJV)
Life has a funny way sometimes. It seems that all we can find at times are disappointments. Usually, it is nothing huge, nothing catastrophic, thank the Lord! But, it still has the potential to steal our joy nonetheless.
This year, vacation was a trumped up affair, brought on by departmental decree at my husband's work. So we quickly adjusted and made plans for days trips, determined to make the most out of the opportunity. The first day of vacation was used to clean at the church and do chores. The second days we played and had a great time. The third day was rained out, and immediately, so was the plans for the rest of the week.
It is not that our plans were so spectacular- it was just to spend time together as a family doing things we enjoy. And now, boom(!), he is called back to work for the rest of the week. I tell myself it is unimportant and inconsequential. But today's verse is just true. Hope deferred does, indeed, give your heart a sick feeling. (One not so easily rebounded from.)
To walk in victory, we have to have a certain flexibility or resilience about us. A feat not always that easily accomplished. How disconcerting to set your heart in a direction, only to have the proverbial "rug snatched out from under your feet."
I love the way this verse acknowledges the validity of our feelings, but then it goes on to remind us that when the desire comes, it is a tree of life. It offers hope that we will, in fact, enjoy the desires of our heart. We may sorrow now. Our chins may drag. But good news! It is only temporary, and good things are still ahead in our future.
Dear Lord, help me to receive grace from you when my hopes are deferred and life serves up disappointing outcomes. Thank you, that you will bring our desires to pass and grant us life. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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