Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Monday, July 22, 2013

It's Sin



But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because he does not eat from faith; for whatever is not from faith is sin.   Rom 14:23 (NKJV)


To eat or not to eat- that was the question.  This passage is about people whose conscience would not allow them to eat food sacrificed to idols. Whereas, other people recognized that idols were nothing and had no problem eating the food.  Freedom vs. respect of others was the issue.


But the part I want to focus on today is the second part, "For whatever is not from faith is sin."  If I look at this verse alone- what a sinner I am!  How many things do I do out of fear?  Out of habit?  Out of obligation?  Out of personal lust or greed?  This passage starts dealing with where we live.  This is "Christian sin"- if there is such a thing!  This passage deals with the attitude of the heart and mind.  This goes beyond outward acts and cuts directly to our motives.


I have walked with the Lord all of my life. I have made many choices based in faith.  But lots of times, I will confess, I have made choices off the top of my head.  I remember when I started catching the vision that I should include God in my decision-making.  I had decided I needed a new laptop for my business.  But it was going to be over $400.  I remembering lying in our bedroom floor asking God if it was the right decision.  Why?  Because I was unsure about accruing debt to get it, and we certainly did not have that much extra lying around.  To be honest, I have bought cars with less prayer than I did with the laptop!  But once I felt a peace about it, I was able to move forward in faith.  And I did so knowing that I had sought the Lord's direction.


A lot of time I make decisions based on fear.  Other times I make decisions based on faith, but fear shows up to taunt me.  It is sometimes difficult to stay in faith when so many negative emotions wage war against our minds.


We cannot go wrong trusting God with whatever situation we find ourselves in.   He is faithful.  Therefore, we must be faith-full.


I have had some failed "faith projects"- things I have believed for that did not work out, things that left me bankrupt in my faith tank.  Some of them, 7 or 8 years later, I am still in a crisis of faith about (if I am honest with myself). It is not OK to let that remain within us.  We have to work through the doubt, the unbelief and the fear.  Faith has to be the spiritual gas that propels us through life.


Dear Lord, please forgive me for all the times that I made decisions based on my own desires, thoughts, opinions, fear or dread.  Please help me to discern your will and to step forward in faith.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.
A special shout-out today to my mom, Judy Sullivan.  Today is her birthday and I just want to praise God for the gift she has always been to me! I love you, Mom! 



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