"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1
Yesterday we celebrated Independence Day in America. It is a day to celebrate with cook-outs, swimming, fireworks, parades and fun. It is a day to remember the birth of our country and the men who fought valiantly to make it free. It is a day to remember the men and women who gave of themselves to keep our freedom. It is often said "freedom isn't free." That is actually a very profound truth. Because for some, our freedom cost everything.
As Christians, the same holds true. Our freedom in Christ is not free. We do not pay for it. But He paid everything for it. He gave His position in heaven to come down and walk among men- to be reviled, spit on, beaten and murdered. He gave up a lot personally when He accepted the weight of sin, on his sinless sacrifice. He endured the separation from the Father that the sin brought.
Yes, Jesus rose from the dead! Praise His Name! Yes, He is now seated at the right hand of the Father where He deserves to be. But don't forget - never forget- the price He paid to purchase our freedom.
I thank God to live in America, a land presently free. Let us continue to pray, stand and believe that we will remain free. But know this: the Word of God, the Church of God, is not bound. Everything else may pass away and fail, but we are steadfast on the foundation of Jesus, the Christ, the Son of the Living God!
Thank you, Jesus, for purchasing my freedom with your precious blood. Thank you for the privilege to live in America. Please God, have mercy on our nation and let us once again be gathered "Under God." In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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