16" Rejoice
always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks;
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thess
5:16-18 (NKJV)
Kids can be refreshingly (and embarrassingly) honest. That is why before every preschool birthday party, I carefully school the children on how to respond to gifts. For instance, they have been taught to never say, "I already have one of these." Rather, they are told to say. "I really like this. Thank you for getting it for me." If they are given something they have no idea what is, I encourage them to say, "Thank you! I didn't have one of those!" Really, I have trained them to show gratitude no matter what the present is. Because when it is all said and done, someone thought enough of them to spend their hard earned money and honor their birthday. Obviously, when they get something awesome, no training is necessary. They effuse gratitude unsolicited.
Spiritually, we deal with the same dilemma. No one has a problem thanking God when a promotion comes, they receive healing, a long-time prayer is answered or they have a new baby. Thanking God rolls naturally off of our tongue at that time. But when times are hard, when like develops a stench, we still must be able to give thanks.
If we can find it in our heart to rejoice and give thanks, it blesses the heart of the Father, and also puts us in a right frame of mind to receive whatever it is we have need of. But truthfully, this can be easier said than done. At times that I have asked God for things, I have had to choose to recall that if He never does another thing for me, He has already done it all. Dying for my sins is more than I deserve. He chooses to give us way more than that- thank the Lord! But we have to operate from a point of gratitude and thanksgiving if our hearts are to be in right alignment with Him. I have heard it said often, "Practice an attitude of gratitude."
Dear Lord, thank you for salvation. For living in a free country, for the blessing of an awesome family and wonderful friends. I even choose to thank you, Lord, for the things that are currently stressing me out. I know that you work it all for my good. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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