Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Monday, August 19, 2013

Are You in the Game?



Ps 53:2


2 God looks down from heaven upon the children of men,

To see if there are any who understand, who seek God. " (NKJV)


Will you confess it?   Have you ever pretended to play with your kids?  I have.  Sometimes I will forget our little guy is hiding from me, and I will continue with the laundry or washing dishes. Before long, his dejected little voice will ring out, "Mama are you looking for me?"  That will make you feel like a dog in a hurry!

It makes me feel so horrible to think of God sitting up in heaven, looking  around, desiring to have one of His children seeking him.  Finding no one- just people involved in selfish pursuits who have forgotten Him.  Forgive me Lord, for the times that I fail to seek you!  Forgive me for neglecting my prayer time; for not seeking your direction and guidance for my life.

How will we ever walk in understanding, if we do not seek the Source of all Knowledge?  How will we ever find His best for our life, if we are not actively pursuing it?

Dear Lord, please forgive me of unfaithfulness.  Please give me the grace to diligently seek your face.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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