Rom 8:1

Feeling guilty. It is a terrible habit that I am trying to break. If everyone does not like what I cooked for dinner, I feel guilty. If I take a day off from work, I feel guilty. Some of us are just wired that way! I am so grateful, that guilt is not a part of God's perfect plan for us!
When Jesus paid the price for our sins, He also removed the accompanying guilt. We do not have to feel bad about past sin- it is completely obliterated under the super power of His precious blood. Jesus could save us, then hang it over our heads for eternity. But instead, He says, "I forgive you. I do not remember it any more. Forget it."
Satan, the enemy of our soul, loves to remind us of our past sins. The Bible calls him the "Accuser of the Brethren". He can accuse, but his power ends there. If it is under the blood of Jesus, if you have repented and walked away, there is nothing left for you to do but lift your head and rejoice! You stand before God, guiltless and righteous.
If you struggle with low self-esteem... If you feel like you can never be good enough...Beware! The enemy is lying to you. God has pronounced you clean, and you are what God says about you.
Dear Lord, thank you for forgiving and removing my guilt. Help me to walk before You in confidence of Your complete work on Calvary. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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