For the Lord
God is a sun and shield;
The Lord
will give grace and glory;
No good thing will He withhold
From those who walk uprightly. Ps 84:11 (NKJV)
There are so many
wonderful descriptive words used to refer to our glorious God. Today's verses have a couple of lesser used
terms -a sun and a shield. I look
forward to the new heavens and new earth where Jesus will be our sun as
described in Rev. 21:22-23:
22 But I saw no temple in it,
for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. 23 The city had no need of
the sun or of the moon to shine in it,* for the glory* of God illuminated it. The
Lamb is its
light. (NKJV)
What a marvelous
light! There have been a lot of rainy
days over the last few weeks. Many
people in our area agreed that it had been the most uninterrupted rainy days in
most people's remembrance. Many of us
commented that day after day of gloomy, stormy weather, where there was no
visible sunlight, resulted in gloominess and depression of mood. We just thrive more when we are exposed to
the sun of His Glory. Thankfully, there
is no darkness that He cannot conquer.
No oppressive blackness that he cannot illuminate with the brilliance of
His majesty.
It also says that He is
our shield- Thank God! He covers us from
the fiery darts of our enemy. He raises
a standard to drive back assaults from the evil one. He provides both our light and our
protection. And yet, that is still only
a small glimmer of one facet of His vast greatness.
I am devoid of anything
gracious or glorious in my natural personality.
If it were not for the redeeming grace of God, I cannot fathom what my
life would be like. I have not yet
arrived to all that I hope to attain in Him.
I will continue to journey towards His perfection as long as I
live. But I am encouraged and heartened
to know that he will keep giving grace and glory to me. I do not deserve glory, and yet He chooses to
use me to display His glory against the lackluster backdrop of my frail
I am so grateful to know
that he will not withhold anything good from us who walk uprightly before
Him. There have been days that I have
struggled with seeing the good He is brining my way. At times, I am ashamed to admit, I have
wondered if He no longer desired to bless me.
But according to this verse, it is just no so! If it is good for us, pleasing, in His will, and
a blessing, He will not deny us from having it.
Results delayed do not necessarily mean
results denied.
Do you need Him to pierce
the darkness? Do you need protection
from the enemy of your soul? Are you in
need of a greater measure of His grace and glory? Are there some "good things" you
are trusting God for? Look up! He is Your Source. Call on Him.
He will answer.
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