Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Wednesday, August 7, 2013




"Haven't I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don't be timid; don't get discouraged. God , your God, is with you every step you take." Josh 1:9 (Message)


I wonder how many months, days and years I have wasted dreading my future.  Dreading a change I do not want.  Dreading work that I do not enjoy.  Dreading a perceived problem or stressor.  Precious time that I can never get back!


As Joshua was preparing to go in and claim the Promised Land that his predecessor, Moses, had told him about, he had plenty of reason to fear.  Lots of room to dread.  He had very real enemies before him.  But that was no reason - according to God- to shrink back in dread or fear.  Instead, the Lord commands him to have strength and courage.  Joshua was to avoid timidity and discouragement.  God knew the battles he faced, but he also knew the victory and blessing that he would receive.


If you are facing a situation that is uncertain to you.  Take these verses. Make them your own.  Pray over your situation, and watch God  show up to fight on your behalf!


Dear Lord, please grant me strength and courage.  Help me to walk in boldness rather than timidity.  Help me to be hopeful  rather than discouraged.  Thank you that you make each step  with me and  watch over me so  carefully.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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