Isa 43:19
19 Behold, I will do a new
it shall spring forth;
you not know it?
will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers
in the desert.
Do you like new things? For me, it just depends. I enjoy new clothes-tremendously! I like fresh baked desserts. I enjoy trying new foods and restaurants. I used to love the first day of school. I like to read a new book and open a new notebook. But in other things, I must confess, that I like comfortable. I enjoy fitting in, knowing the drill, what I need to do and what others need to do. I like familiarity.
Recently my job has (once again!) been turned topsy-turvy and all of a sudden I have no idea what I do anymore! There is nothing about that, that I find appealing. I want to roll the clock back several years to when I enjoyed it and knew what I was doing.
But spiritually, I long for the new thing. The next great exploit in Christ. Greater
heights. More intimacy. More anointing. Sign me up for all of that! But before the new thing springs up, there is often a season of unrest, a season of plowing up and preparation. A season I feel I have been in too long already.
When faced with the new thing we can either be filled with anticipation or trepidation. The former builds enthusiasm and hope, the latter builds dread and fear. Thank the Lord, that when a new thing is on its way, God already knows about it. He has already made plans, and sometimes in His providence, He allow us to catch a glimpse of what He is up to. To sense a change of course, we must be sensitive to His leading and direction. We must have our hearts attentive to His voice.
God is always working the new things for our good. He can level the path out through the densest wilderness. He can bring provision in the dessert. God is doing something new. Will you be a part of it?
Thank you, Jesus, for making good plans for my life. Thank you that I can trust you in the season of new things and rejoice in the good that you have in mind for me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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