will both lie down in peace, and sleep;
For You alone, O Lord , make me dwell in
safety." Ps 4:8 (NKJV)
Insomnia. It is a common complaint from many a depressed or stressed out American. You lie down to sleep, but your thoughts begin to race. What am I going to do about that work problem? How will I ever afford to put braces on Bobby's teeth? What if the doctor's report is bad? I dread my job. I can't face it any more...
All of these thoughts are an onslaught of the enemy on a mind that is already overtired and overrun. This passage indicates that a benefit of walking with the Lord is having peace and restful sleep at night. When our minds finally "still" for the night, it is sometimes difficult to actually stop the frenzied processing and fretting.
We have to guard our thoughts and deny the enemy access to our minds. I know, I know. That is easier said than done. Sometimes it seems that my mind has a mind of its own! We have to strive to maintain a peaceful heart and mind. It does not just naturally occur. It happens as we fix our thoughts on the Lord, His promises, His provision and His faithfulness.
Another enemy of peace is a tormented conscience. Christians cannot spend the whole day violating the laws of God and lie down that night to a soft pillow. God gave us consciences to help keep us on the straight and narrow path. Guilt can eat you alive. It erodes your confidence and intimacy with God. Let your pre-sleep time be an opportunity for confession of sin, seeking the Lord's help for tomorrow and seeking the peace of God.
He alone makes us to dwell in safety. He alone stands guards about us, enabling us to close our eyes and lay down our weapons. He is a faithful Shepherd over His sheep. He keeps the predators at bay and provides for our needs in the safety of His provision. What a loving God we serve!
Dear God, thank you for allowing me to find safety and peace in You. Help me to keep my conscience clear and guard my heart and mind. Help my thoughts to be a peaceful place, and help my sleep to be sweet. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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