41 Then
Jesus, moved with compassion, stretched out His hand and touched him, and said to him, 'I
am willing; be cleansed.' " Mark 1:40-41 (NKJV)
I guess if I had to pick one of the
things that I most love about Jesus, it would be His compassion. He looks at us, sees our mess, and is moved
with compassion. He could have felt disgust
because the sin-torn world we live in, was a choice that man made. Thus, we are deserving of some of the
problems that come our way. But instead, He has mercy on us. He could look upon us in judgment, reckoning
us to deserve whatever we get, but instead, He loves us!
I am especially blessed by the
account with the leper. It shows that
Jesus did not just feel compassion for the socially ostracized and infirm
man. He reached out in love and touched
him. A touch that was likely to expose Him
to the same dread disease. He touched
someone who had probably not been touched since he was first diagnosed. At least not by a clean person! The very thing that repels others, draws our
Lord. He is not intimidated by our
sickness or bondage.
People talk about some of our
modern heroes- firemen, by saying, "When others run out, firemen run
in." (This is so true- and a
special thanks to you in that line of work! ) But even more, when Jesus sees a
disaster, He approaches to render aid.
When He senses sadness, He is no fair-weathered friend. He stays by our side.
Struggling with habitual sin? Caught in a trap of your own making? Jesus is calling your name today and saying, "I
am willing; be cleansed." Receive His
touch and help today!
Lord, I need you to forgive me for struggling with ____. Wash me, cleanse me and make me whole, I
pray. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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